Media Releases| Jun 26, 2023

Ausfilm welcomes the release of the 2021/22 Film, Television and Digital Games Survey by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) and Screen Australia, highlighting the strength of the Australian screen sector. The results come at a time when the Government has provided further pivotal support for the industry with two competitive screen production incentives – the newly legislated Digital Games Tax Offset (DGTO) and the Government-announced, increased 30% Location Offset – providing a vital springboard from which to continue the growth of the entire screen ecosystem.

“Thank you to the Government, ABS and Screen Australia for funding and providing this research. This longitudinal data is invaluable to not only measure the health of the screen sector but to provide a foundation from which to ensure we have the right policy settings in place to maintain this positive momentum, and we look forward to reviewing the detail underpinning these results.”
– Kate Marks, CEO, Ausfilm

The data includes several strong results for Australia’s production and post-production sector in 2021/22, particularly^: 

  • For film and video post-production businesses, a 51.6% increase in income, with welcome growth in profit and industry value-add*
  • A near doubling in total income for film and video production businesses, and 83% growth in employment
  • Substantial growth across digital games, with total income more than tripling and industry value-add* more than doubling since the previous survey

Kate Marks said, “It’s wonderful to see the growth across production, post-production, and digital games, and we welcome the passing of the new 30% DGTO, which is fantastic news for the games sector and broader creative industries. Alongside the recent announcement of the 30% Location Offset, these incentives are pivotal to ensuring the sustainability and continued growth in employment and economic development of the screen sector.”

“Our members work at the forefront of digital technology and innovation across film, television and in some cases, digital games. We look forward to strong and productive collaborations with the games industry in the years ahead, as technologies are created, evolve, and converge.”

The 2021/22 ABS Film, Television and Digital Games Survey was released on 22 June 2023 and can be viewed in full here.

Screen Australia’s media release can be viewed here.

^ All data sourced from Australian Bureau of Statistics (2021/22 financial year), Film, Television and Digital Games, AustraliaABS Website, accessed 23 June 2023. Comparisons are made to results from the 2015/16 financial year, and are not adjusted for inflation.

* ‘Value-add’ measures business output, calculated as sales and service income, capital works, Government funding and changes in inventories, minus the cost of goods and services used in production.

Media Enquiries

Tom Roache
Director of Marketing, Communications & Industry Partnerships