Benefits & Services


Who’s Eligible?

All applications for Ausfilm membership must be ratified by the Ausfilm Board. Eligible applicants must:

  • Work within an established screen production services business based in Australia (or with an established Australian branch)
  • Be a registered Australian Business and have an ABN
  • Have provided services on at least two international feature films or television series (long form), eligible for one of the Federal Government’s screen production incentives, that demonstrate the company’s long form expertise and capabilities
  • Not be a sole trader or individual (including producer, writer, director, or HOD/crew technician)

Contact Tom Roache, Director of Marketing, Communications & Industry Partnerships to request membership pricing and further information on benefits and eligibility requirements.

“The City of Gold Coast has maintained an Ausfilm membership for 6 years. This affiliation provides the pathway for the Gold Coast’s film and television capabilities to be marketed internationally. The local industry is currently riding a wave of international productions and the support from Ausfilm has been a key contributor to this.”

Craig Rowsell, City of Gold Coast


  • Represent the pre-eminent companies of Australia’s film and television industry.
  • Are part of a critical link between Australia’s film and television service providers, the state and federal screen agencies and the international production community in the facilitation and promotion of increased collaboration and production in Australia.
  • Have access to a forum of leading screen businesses to discuss and advocate for change across issues affecting the industry.
  • Have access to high-level networking opportunities with industry executives, filmmakers and leaders locally and internationally to promote increased production for Australia.
  • Have access to Ausfilm’s targeted networking event program and meetings internationally to stimulate and grow production partnerships and co-productions.
  • Are represented and promoted through Ausfilm’s global marketing and communication campaigns.
  • Have access to regular intelligence, obtained from Ausfilm’s Los-Angeles and Sydney based staff regarding production leads, potential co-productions, government policy, international incentives and industry trends and reports.
Choose your level

There are four levels of Ausfilm membership: Screen Agency Partner; Associated Screen Agency Partner; Corporate and Platinum. The table below outlines the benefits and services of Corporate and Platinum membership available for companies working with the screen industry.

Screen Agency and Associated Screen Agency levels are available for government screen agencies only.

Benefit Corporate Platinum
A targeted meeting schedule is designed with relevant key industry decision makers in Los Angeles
Access to Ausfilm’s Monthly Member Update which includes available international production leads, advocacy and marketing updates, news from the state and territory screen agencies and industry issues
Ausfilm staff are available for members to contact directly for any specific enquiries outside of monthly production calls
Invitations to exclusive Ausfilm hosted networking events internationally allowing for increased engagement with key industry decision makers including studio executives, producers, Post and VFX executives and VFX supervisors
Invitations to exclusive Ausfilm hosted networking events nationally with access to key industry decision makers including local Line Producers, UPMs and location managers
Meeting with a senior Ausfilm executive (either from LA or Sydney) each year for information on global productions, industry trends and business opportunities
Access to international filmmakers scouting Australia as part of the Ausfilm Australian Familiarisation Program
Promotion of your company on Ausfilm’s digital directory of Australian Screen Businesses
Name inclusion and opportunity to supply cleared footage for inclusion in Ausfilm’s annual showreel highlighting projects that shot or completed remote PDV work in Australia.
Promotion of your business activities via Ausfilm’s global digital Client Newsletters
Amplification of your business news via Ausfilm’s social channels
Inclusion in Ausfilm’s annual magazine directory listing distributed in the US to key decision makers and locally to Government representatives and industry stakeholders
One solo digital e-blast per annum, to a member’s target market on request
Bespoke advice on building relationships with and targeted marketing to international clients
Updates on government policies affecting the screen industry and an opportunity to have your views represented by Ausfilm at senior government levels
Opportunity to contribute to advocacy initiatives to improve the operating environment for the screen industry in Australia – both at a federal and state level
Opportunity to participate in Commonwealth Parliament House screenings/presentations to help promote the value of the industry to high-level government decision makers
Copies of Ausfilm publications and factsheets including information on Australia’s screen production incentives
Opportunity to nominate for election as a Corporate Member Director of the Ausfilm Board and to vote for Corporate member directors in elections
Double page article in Ausfilm’s annual magazine distributed globally.
Logo on Ausfilm marketing signage and printed materials, digital comms and event invitations
Platinum members can include the promotion of one subsidiary company. This subsidiary company receives Corporate membership entitlements. In addition, a Platinum member has the option of adding extra subsidiary companies (at an additional cost) for each company per year.
Exclusive opportunities to attend an Ausfilm-hosted lunch or dinner for international clients visiting Australia on the Familiarisation Program or while international clients are working in Australia
Enhanced promotion of your business on the Ausfilm website and showreel
Acknowledgement as a Platinum member at client-facing domestic and international events