News| May 18, 2017

Our travel member, Stage and Screen run the first of a 3 part series on how to stay travel fit, thanks to Flight Centre Travel Group’s health and well-being business Healthwise.

Here we’ll make sure you have all the right tools to create a healthy lifestyle, wherever you may be. Travelling for work can easily derail anyone’s health and fitness goals. So here are our tips for prioritising your health, fighting jetlag and balancing your wellness while still enjoying your trip!


Breakfast truly is the most important meal of the day, and while the buffet is always tempting or the rush to the airport in the morning decreases the priority – healthy choices and portion size are still important regardless of where you are. Keep it simple with options like eggs or granola with fruit; both will leave you with lasting energy all morning long.


Travel doesn’t mean that all forms of routine have to be thrown out the window. While you may allow yourself some leniency with food, not every meal needs to be followed by dessert. Set yourself some compromises and know your limits with what you will allow and what you won’t.


A lower carbohydrate intake the night before a flight can ensure a good night sleep and manage energy levels. Try to choose high fibre options like brown rice, quinoa, beans and legumes.For protein rich foods think lean meats, which include chicken and fish to ensure you are kept fuller for longer while staying bloat-free on a long haul flight.


Have you been in and out of meetings all day long? Has your flight thrown out your usual snack or meal times? The easiest way to keep your energy up is to eat small amounts spread throughout the day. Keep snacks handy, eat regularly and take your time with them! Don’t rush a meal as you can easily overeat, which will leave you feeling bloated for the rest of the day.


We’ve all been in the situation, standing at the airport newsstand trying to find a snack that will last you through an upcoming flight. There is a solution – preparation! Plan ahead and work out what snacks you can bring on the plane. On-the-go granola bars, nuts, dried fruit, or pre-packaged cheese and crackers all make great options for your in-flight intake.


The humidity onboard can often be a lot lower than what we find comfortable, quickly leaving us feeling dehydrated and lethargic with an oncoming headache. Avoid mid-flight alcohol and caffeine and stick to regular bottles of water. We’d even recommend trying a hydration tablet full of electrolytes to ensure your body absorbs your intake.


When you’re trying to keep your energy levels at their best, avoiding sugary snacks is a must. Processed sugars can send your energy levels on a rollercoaster of crashes and cravings. Try natural pick-me-ups such as vegetable and fruit juices that are power-packed with vitamins and minerals to boost your energy and your immune system.


Relax – have a good night sleep the night before your flight and make sure you have a plan in place to avoid last minute stress with a late rush to the airport.


Back pain? Shoulder stiffness? Tight hamstrings? Make sure you are regularly out of your seat to ensure optimal circulation along with releasing any tight muscles. Locking yourself into one spot can place your muscles and ligaments under strain for a long period of time. Let them relax by changing your position and allowing for regular movement around the plane and even during any meetings you have.


Make sure you moisturise your face and wash your eyes to relieve any dry skin and eyes after your flight. When you get the chance, try a day time walk. This will help you adjust to any time zone changes and refresh your body.