News| Sep 28, 2021

Byron Studios are expanding in order to accomodate the Industry’s increasing interest for production in the area. The plan includes multiplying studio space and a focus on local programs to support the community.

Byron Studios CEO Paul Anderson spoke with Variety’s Patrick Frater this month on future studio infrastructure plans for the regional creative sector and its part in Australia’s screen sector growth globally.

Paul Anderson stated, “We have an MOU with the council and there are plans to have the zoning changed within the next 12 months. While that is happening, we will be finalising the business plans, raising some money from local and state governments, and getting ready to take it out to private sector backers…”

“We are talking about two stages at first, not big boxes, and to anchor these with workshops. We have cliffs, a backlot and 60 acres of lakes, We envisage a museum, theatres and a creative precinct.”

Paul Anderson, Byron Studios CEO
Byron Studios – 1000sqm studio

Meanwhile locally, Byron Studios Founder Will Gammon and Anderson were featured in the Northern Rivers Review magazine as part of an extensive cover story on the vibrancy of the New South Wales Northern Rivers screen industry, a number of recent productions in the area are highlighted, such as Netflix’ God’s Favourite Idiot, a comedy starring Melissa McCarthy filmed at Byron Studios and its surrounding region earlier this year. The article also mentions the skills development initiative project, which intends to increase employment in the area through the film industry. The project is in partnership with Screenworks and Netflix.

Will Gammon and Paul Anderson on the cover of Northern Rivers Review. Photo Elise Derwin

“We are working towards being more than a film studio and being more than just for the film industry.”

Will Gammon in the Northern Rivers Review