High-quality visual effects services from an agile, creative team. Cumulus Visual Effects work with their clients to find simple and effective solutions to complex visual effects problems.
Ausfilm Member since 2022

Cumulus prides itself on being fully TPN certified, having worked for clients such as Netflix, Warner Bros and Disney, and –  with the assistance of tech partners Alchemy Cinema Technology – Cumulus leverages a unique proprietary IT infrastructure. This infrastructure features the latest leading-edge technology with efficient GPU rendering and high density flash storage arrays from Pure Storage, delivering high-speed data storage to maximise simulation and rendering capabilities.

Headquartered in the NSW Northern Rivers region of Ballina (which rests on the land of the Bundjalung people), Cumulus aim to help film makers bring life and colour to their stories. A regional facility re-thinking the narrative of work and life in the VFX industry, the built-for-purpose studio is set against a backdrop of the Richmond River and hinterland beyond, and features serene Japanese-inspired interiors, a darts board, record player and a pool for exercise.

Employing 40+ staff to complete VFX projects on domestic and international film and TV series, Cumulus’ management also has their sights firmly set on becoming one of the most environmentally sustainable studios in the world. While seizing every opportunity to contribute to activist projects like Damon Gameau’s 2040, the Cumulus team are also commissioning internal projects to navigate the implementation of renewable energy into the studio and taking steps to ensure fair and ethical governance into the future.

Over the years Cumulus has earned a reputation for punching above its weight on multi-vendor shows and has established solid relationships with one of the world’s leading VFX houses, Framestore.

With their TPN status and international credits, Cumulus is extending its reputation to be a leading VFX provider in Australia, specialising in solution-focused VFX across environments, set extensions, compositing, lighting & FX.


Will Gammon

VFX Supervisor

Kirsty Scanlon

Studio Manager

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Cumulus offer:

  • Compositing
  • Modelling
  • Lighting
  • Real-world FX, Water, smoke, fire and destruction DMP
  • Real-Time environments
  • Concept Art
  • On-set supervision Pre-vis
  • Post-Vis/In-house team
  • Digital Set extensions
  • Hard surface assets
  • Environments
  • Elvis
  • Man Vs Bee
  • Lockwood & Co.
  • Bosch & Rockit
  • Peter Rabbit
  • The King
  • 2040
  • The Possessed
  • Long Story Short
  • Lambs of God